Does anyone else really struggle to realise when they need help? Whether that’s with a simple task, or
you’re struggling with your mental health. I think it's safe to say most of us have trouble admitting we could use a little assistance.
Particularly when it comes to mental health, sometimes denial feels like the safest place to be. If we are
getting through stuff with ease, then we don’t need help, right? Or, if you have received treatment for your
mental health in the past, you might feel that you've already been there, done that.
I truly believe that everyone would benefit from counselling. We all have baggage and traumas that need
working through. The best time to get help is before you hit crisis point, because people can guide you
away from hitting rock bottom. However, it sometimes takes hitting rock bottom for a lot of people to think
‘okay, now I need help.’
I have gone through several crisis points in my life that have led to me getting help. I think its normal to
dip in and out of professional help during our lives, to take different medications or to make different
lifestyle choices.
Once I get to the point of admitting I need to get help, I have never regretted receiving that assistance.
Getting help in that point of crisis has been fundamental to moving forward from those difficult times; it
got me out of feeling stuck, made me realise I was worth more, and made me aware of maladaptive
coping techniques that were no longer serving me.
So, how do you know you need help? Ultimately it's up to you to decide whether professional help is for
you, because only you can make progress in your own life. You know your own life best. For me, I know
I’m struggling when my anxiety is out of control and out of proportion to my reality. It’s when I make
unhealthy choices that I know are not serving me. And, most importantly, I know I need help when life
feels a bit too much.
Your crisis point may look different to mine, but it doesn’t make it any less valid. Everyone deserves the help they need, and they shouldn’t feel ashamed in doing so.
What I learnt from this experience:
Professional help looks different to everybody – it’s not all medication and therapy. There are plenty of methods to suit your needs.
There will be on and off periods in my mental health. Professional help doesn’t have to be permanent if that doesn’t work for you.
It has helped me more aware of other people’s struggles, and become more aware of symptoms of burn out in others.
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